The 19th International CSR/ESG Forum successfully held

The 19th International CSR/ESG Forum successfully held


On June 14, 2024, the 19th International CSR/ESG Forum was held in Beijing.The 2024 GoldenBee CSR China Honor Roll was released at the event, with 62 companies s...

Intelligent Supply Chains for an All-Win Future| Spotlight of the 30th Sino-European Roundtable Forum


On June 13, 2024, the 30th Sino-European CSR Roundtable Forum,organized by amfori and China Sustainability Tribune, was held in Beijing. Focusing onIntelligent S...

Intelligent Supply Chains for an All-Win Future| Spotlight of the 30th Sino-European Roundtable Forum
GoldenBee Consulting and CDP jointly released 2023 CDP China Nature Report

GoldenBee Consulting and CDP jointly released 2023 CDP China Nature Report


Inthe morning of June 14, 2024, hosted by GoldenBee ThinkTank, the 19th International CSR/ESG Forum with the theme of New Productive Forces Driving Sustainable D...

ESG Transmission in Supply Chain: ESG Special Report III

ESG Transmission in Supply Chain: ESG Special Report III


In the era of economic globalization, stable industrial chain and supply chain underpinthe smooth operation of the economy. However, in recent years, due to vari...

Transition to Nature-positive Business Mode: ESG Special Report II


From December 7 to 19, 2022, the second phase of the 15th Conference of Parties (COP15) to the UN Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) adoptedthe Kunming-Montreal Gl...

Transition to Nature-positive Business Mode: ESG Special Report II
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