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Save the date: the 18th International CSR Forum on Jun 8-9

On the new journey towards building the socialist modernization in all aspect, China has ushered in a wonderful start in 2023.
Enterprises are the most important force in the development of China's real economy and the foundation of modern industrial system. In the historical process to realize the modernization of common prosperity for all, the modernization of material and cultural-ethical advancement, the modernization of harmony between humanity and nature, and the modernization of peaceful development, how enterprises innovate to respond to global challenges, achieve their own sustainable development, and contribute wisdom and strength to the realization of comprehensive socialist modernization has become the theme of the times.
Hosted by GoldenBee ThinkTank and the China Sustainability Tribune, and co-hosted by CSR Europe and Council for Better Corporate Citizenship (CBCC), the 18th International CSR Forum and the Release Ceremony of 2023 GoldenBee CSR China Honor Roll will be held in Beijing on June 8-9. Taking "Responsible Competitiveness in the Chinese Path to Modernization" as the theme, the forum will gather a group of forces from business, capital, scientific research and other fields to discuss the various sustainable challenges that China and the world are facing in uncertain times, take social responsibility as consensus and action, and jointly seek the road of responsible competitiveness in the Chinese path to modernization.
This year's forum will set up multiple sessions to comprehensively discuss the latest international and domestic sustainable development issues:
1. Latest CSR Development and Trends in the World
Representatives from China, Europe, Japan, ASEAN, Indonesia and other regions will share the latest progress and trends of corporate social responsibility.
2. GoldenBee Global CSR 2030 Initiative
State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power, Lenovo Group, Zhonghe Group, Herbalife, GE Healthcare and other initiators of the GoldenBee Global CSR 2030 Initiative will bring audience their latest progress on CSR practices, and the Initiative will introduce new initiators.
3. The 7th Symposium on Carbon Neutrality and Corporate Green Development – Injecting Green Power into Transformation
Building a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system is the top priority to promote China's carbon neutrality goal. Promoting energy transformation under the 30∙60 Decarbonization Goal not only requires continuous optimization of the energy structure, but also accelerates the interaction between the supply and demand sides of energy. This forum will focus on the low-carbon transformation of energy production and consumption, with the theme of "injecting green power into transformation", and share the development path of the new energy system and the green momentum it brings to high-quality economic development.
4. The 3rd ESG Competitiveness Forum
This forum will lead participants to ESG scenarios to understand how ESG non-financial factors play a decisive role in defining corporate value, explore the relationship between ESG and business fluctuations, integrate with traditional management frameworks, and bring new opportunities. The forum will feature keynote speeches on hot topics such as ESG value monetization evaluation, as well as discussions on ESG rating and investment decision-making, ESG strategic vision and action, and Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) readiness.
5. The 28th Sino-European CSR Roundtable Forum – Fostering Carbon Reduction Partnership in Supply Chains
Design, procurement and production in the supply chain are the keys to carbon reduction, which is the only way for enterprises to develop in the future. This forum will invite sustainability experts, brands and suppliers to share the latest regional policy information, supply chain carbon reduction partnership ideas and practices, and provide solutions for enterprises and suppliers to reduce carbon emissions.
6. Digital Responsibility – Corporate Innovations in the New Era
It has become common strategic choices for all countries in the world to implement data strategies, accumulate data resources, ensure data security, and expand and strengthening the data industry. This forum will share how to integrate data security governance into daily operation in the new era and promote the high-quality development of the data security industry.
7. Insights into CSR Management System
The national standard GB/T 39604-2020 Social responsibility management systems-Requirements with guidance for use issued in December 2020 is the only social responsibility management system standard that can be used for certification in China and even in the world. This forum will invite leading enterprises to introduce their experience in implementing standards, build a communication platform for standard implementation practices, promote more enterprises to deeply understand the GB/T 39604, scientifically build a social responsibility management system, and help Chinese enterprises gain greater advantages in supply chain management and global competition.
8. Building Responsible Competitiveness, Driving Chinese Path to Modernization
Responsible competitiveness = fairness + efficiency. To build responsible competitiveness is a process of realizing harmony between humanity and nature, achieving common prosperity for all people, helping to coordinate material and cultural-ethical advancement, and taking the path of peaceful development. This forum will bring together a group of enterprise representatives to discuss how to help China's modernization through actions to build responsible competitiveness.
9. The First Industrial Development and Poverty Alleviation Forum
The forum will invite enterprise representatives to share the measures, progress and experience of helping industrial revitalization, better play a typical role, and make greater contributions to promoting a solid agricultural foundation, rural harmony and stability.
The 18th International CSR Forum will also release the 2023 GoldenBee CSR China Honor Roll, introducing the latest batch of GoldenBee enterprises to bring epoch-making innovative business solutions that can benefit the environment and society in the long run.
Since its inception in 2007 and first release in 2008, the GoldenBee CSR China Honor Roll has accumulated more than 4,000 enterprises and organizations participating in the evaluation over the past ten years, and now 441 enterprises have been listed.
Scan the QR code to register for the 18th International CSR Forum.

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