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Yin Gefei invited to the 9th Vice Chairman Meeting of the Council of CAFFIC


On April 29, 2024, the China Association of Fragrance Flavour and Cosmetic Industries (CAFFIC) held the 9th Vice Chairman Council Meeting in Chibi, Hubei and 94 representatives from the vice chairman units attended the one-day meeting.


The meeting was strongly supported by the Hubei Provincial Medical Products Administration, the People's Government of Xianning, and the People's Government of Chibi.


The Founder and Chief Expert of GoldenBee Consulting, Mr. Yin Gefei, was invited to the meeting and gave a keynote report titled "New Power of Fragrance: ESG Competitiveness".


In the report, Mr. Yin Gefei pointed out that the world is entering a new era of sustainable economic globalization, where China's advocacy and practices are becoming increasingly influential. In sustainable economic globalization, ESG has become a core competitive element, and ESG competitiveness is becoming the driving engine. Chinese enterprises need to carry out ESG management to shape ESG competitiveness, thereby enhancing their capabilities of sustainable development.


As a professional partner in sustainable development (ESG) of the CAFFIC, GoldenBee Consulting will continue to contribute to the sustainable development (ESG) in the fragrance flavour and cosmetic Industry.

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