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GoldenBee supports 2024 World Brand Moganshan Summit series


From May 10 to 12, 2024, the 2024 World Brand Moganshan Summit series commenced in Deqing county, Zhejiang Province, organized by the Brand Work Office of Xinhua News Agency and ChinaNationalBrand.org, under the guidance of Xinhua News Agency and China Council for Brand Development (CCBD). On the 2024 China Brand Ten-Year Journey Development Release Conference and Forum held on May 12, GoldenBee Consulting fully supported the launch of the Brand Talent Cultivation Initiative.


2024 is a critical year for the full implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan, marking the 10th anniversary of the important remark of the transformation from Made in China to Created in China, the transformation of Chinese speed to Chinese quality, and the transformation of Chinese products to Chinese brands by General Secretary Xi Jinping. With the theme of "Brands Bring Better Future for the World", the summit brings together large enterprises, financial institutions, universities, mainstream media and industry associations to explore how to effectively promote the construction of Chinese brands and further exert the leading role of brands.


Brand talents are the foundation of strong brands, the basis of competition, and the key to transformation. To coordinate the construction of the brand talent team, CCBD launched the Brand Talent Cultivation Project in September 2022. It also jointly drafted Brand Professional Competence Requirements (the Requirements) with many well-known brand companies and brand research institutions. A graded cultivation system and evaluation system for brand professionals is established based on this standard, continuously improving the overall level of brand professionals.

On the brand talent cultivation releasing session on May 12, Lin Bo, Vice President of GoldenBee Consulting, introduced the training of brand professionals and the compilation of textbooks.


Lin Bo gives introduction on the brand professionals training and textbook preparation.

She said that brand professionals will be trained and certified by CCBD, according to the Requirements and the occupation requirements coded as 2-06-07-04 in Occupational Classification System of the People’s Republic of China (2022 Edition). After passing the training, the trainees will be awarded professional skill training certificate of Senior Brand Professional, Brand Professional, or Assistant Brand Professional, stamped and certified by CCBD. As part of the joint drafting group of the Requirements, GoldenBee Consulting provides technical support for the training curriculum design of CCBD. It is also an authorized training institution for official brand professionals.


The summit also launched a call for Outstanding Brand Case. Sun Lingli, Deputy Director of the Training Department of CCBD, introduced the background, organizational structure, and content requirements of the solicitation.

Sun Lingli introduces the activity of calling for outstanding brand cases.

Host: China Council for Brand Development

Co-host: GoldenBee (Beijing) Management Consulting Co., Ltd.

Organizations for technical support: National Image Research Center of Tsinghua University, Academy of Finance Brand and Enterprise Culture of Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), Luxury China of University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Center for IPR Studies of China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), Brand Leadership Research Institute of University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (UCASS) and China Brand Research Center of Capital University of Economics and Business (CUEB). 

Overall requirement: leading and representative brand-building cases in terms of industry, region, and topic

Content requirement: based on the Requirements, case contents should cover six major sections: brand planning, brand shaping, brand promotion, brand protection, brand operation, and brand value.

Outstanding enterprise brands: including enterprise brands, product brands, service brands, etc.

Brands of important issues: including rural vitalization, brand globalization, party building brand, etc.



The solicitation ceremony was launched by Sun Lingli, Deputy Director of the Training Department of CCBD, Zhao Baozhu, Vice President of GoldenBee Consulting, Zheng Xuanyu, Deputy Director of Center for IPR Studies of CUPL, Zheng Guanjun, Deputy Director of China Brand Research Center of CUEB, Wang Tao, Deputy General Manager of Laoying Optoelectronic Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd. and Liu Xirong, Director of Intellectual Property of ENN Group Co., Ltd. 


Excellent brand practices from State Grid Zhejiang Deqing County Power Supply Co., Ltd., State Grid Beijing Cable Company and Far East Shareholding Company were shared at the summit. 

Wang Long, Party Committee Secretary of State Grid Zhejiang Deqing County Power Supply Co., Ltd., shares the brand practice.

Li Yunfei, Director of Party Committee and Party Building Department of State Grid Beijing Cable Company, shares the brand practice. 

Long Yun, Senior Partner and Director of Brand Culture of Far East Shareholding Company, shares the brand practice.

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