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The Regional Transition of China’s Manufacturing Industries

2015-03-31Sino-Swedish CSR Websiteadmin0010

Since the early 21st century, the Chinese manufacturing industries have been in a sizable transition to the inland regions in the center and west from the more developed coastal areas in southeast, which has become a notable economic phenomenon in recent years. This report took the example of the textile industry in China to analyze the regional transition of China’s manufacturing industries and its impact on social responsibility. Through the analysis of the impact on social responsibility of industrial transition policy and the impact on CSR of industrial transition, the report aimed to interpret and present the opportunities and challenges for companies in their fulfillment of social responsibility in industrial transition and put forward policy and action suggestions for the stakeholders in China’s textile industry.
The study was carried out by the CSR Center of Swiss Embassy in Beijing and the Social Responsibility Office of China National Textile And Apparel Council. The findings of the study were released in Beijing in April 9, 2013, and in Shanghai in April 11, 2013.
Link: http://www.swedenabroad.com/ImageVaultFiles/id_9458/cf_2/The_Regional_Transition_of_China-s_Manufacturing_I.PDF
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