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【Top 10 CSR Events in China】No.2 Shanghai Stock Exchange clearly puts forward the requirement of fulfilling social responsibilities for the listed companies of science and technology innovation board


Since 2006, we have been selecting and publishing the annual list of top 10 CSR events for 14 years. China Sustainability Tribune presents you the 2019 Top 10 CSR Events in China.

NO.2 Shanghai Stock Exchange clearly puts forward the requirement of fulfilling social responsibilities for the listed companies of science and technology innovation board

On March 1, the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on the Science and Technology Innovation Board of Shanghai Stock Exchange was officially released, which clearly states that a listed company shall actively undertake social responsibilities, maintain social and public interests, and disclose the performance of its social responsibilities such as protection of environment, product safety, and legitimate rights and interests of employees and other interested parties. The rules also emphasize that a listed company shall make scientific technologies play a positive role by strictly complying with the code of ethics in science, respecting the spirit of science and adhering to the values, social responsibilities, and code of conduct which it shall observe.

Reason for listing:

The requirement of social responsibility for innovative enterprises in science and technology is another demonstration of capital market for its increasing attention to the concept of responsible investment and ESG (environmental, social and governance) disclosure. Innovative enterprises in science and technology have the characteristics of complex and novel business model, and wide social influence, which makes the market pay special attention to its risks of natural resource utilization, product safety, ethics and so on. The introduction of ESG factors into company's research and investment decision-making reflects investors' shift to long-term sustainable investment. Besides, the development of social responsibility work will also help innovative enterprises in science and technology to prevent social risks in technology research and development, better protect the rights and interests of stakeholders, so that innovation can truly serve social progress, and a stable and healthy capital market can be sustainable.

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