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The first soft power training by SMCC held


In order to better help “going global” enterprises in Shanghai break the cultural barriers during overseas operations and build a management structure compatible with international operations to enhance their overseas branding and crisis response capabilities, GoldenBee was entrusted by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce(SMCC) to organize eight soft power building training sessions for overseas enterprises.

So far, four sessions focusing on different topics have been held.

Schedule Topics Time
The first session Cross-cultural integration and management February 22, 2019 
The second session Diversified team building and management overseas March 1, 2019
The third session Overseas branding and risk response in soft power building March 15, 2019
The fourth session Implementation of sustainability strategies and effective overseas communication  March 29 2019

Among them, the first session of soft power building training for overseas enterprises focused on cross-cultural integration and management of overseas operating enterprises. Mr. Yin Gefei, Chief Expert of GoldenBee, Mr. Ye Xiaoyang, General Manager of Corporate Culture Department of China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd.(CHEC), Mr. Yang Xiaochuan, Director of Education and Publicity Department of Labor Union and Life Security Department in China Baowu Steel Group Corporation Limited were invited to be the lecturers of this training.

Soft power improvement and management  

What is soft power? How is China’s soft power? How to improve the soft power of overseas enterprises? Mr. Yin Gefei answered these questions in his sharing .  

Concepts and trends: In the first part,Mr. Yin introduced the basic knowledge of soft power. He helped trainees to clarify the concepts of soft power, national soft power and corporate soft power and guided the trainees to understand the status and trends of soft power in the world.

Problems and challenges: Mr. Yin pointed that, some “going global” enterprises still cannot adapt or feel unfamiliar to the foreign environment and face conflicts in foreign countries, which is also the most challenging part for Chinese “going global” enterprises to build their overseas soft power.

Solutions: In response to the challenges, Mr. Yin proposed the “five capabilities” path model for the building and management of overseas soft power of Chinese enterprises, namely, “cross-cultural management and integration capacity”, “team building capacity”, “branding and communication capacity”, “risk identification and response capacity” and “CSR fulfillment capacity”.

The gains and losses in the cross-cultural building along the “Belt and Road”

Mr. Ye Xiaoyang shared the practice and thoughts of CHEC on overseas cross-cultural management and integration in his lecture.

Mr. Ye believed that the main difficulties and contradictions of Chinese enterprises in overseas cross-cultural integration are the differences in religious culture, safety culture, technical standards, attitudes toward natural environments and work. After identifying cultural differences, enterprises should respect local culture, have effective communication with local communities, transplant and promote the company's excellent culture and integrate it with the local.

Mr. Ye mentioned: "Rights protection is also a major factor in the integration. Some cultural differences and conflicts will directly do harm to the core interests of enterprise development. Enterprises should fight and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. Moreover, this kind of attitude and action can also win the respect from the counterpart."

Cross-cultural integration and communication of Baowu Steel

Mr. Yang Xiaochuan shared the strategy and practice of Baowu Steel on overseas cross-cultural management and integration in his lecture.

Mr. Yang pointed out: "With the increasing competition in the future market, enterprises will gradually lose their hardware advantages. The rest of the competition is about soft power. So the most urgent task is to vigorously promote the soft power building, such as building system and integrating capabilities. ".

Mr. Yang Xiaochuan also shared Baowu Steel’s five indicators of corporate soft power and employees’ code of conduct, and analyzed the related practices of Baowu Steel to help trainees have better understanding.  

This training session is an attempt of SMCC to build the soft power of “going global” enterprises. Trainees enjoyed the useful lectures and vivid practical cases, and they are looking forward to the follow-up trainings.
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