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【Top 10 CSR Events in China】No.04 The first green housegases emissions report from Chinese central SOE released

2017-02-03Sino-Swedish Corporate Socialadmin0010

Since 2006, China WTO Tribune has set up an annual column of the top 10 CSR events in the past year of both China and the world. In order to ensure comprehensive samples with more precise event description, and open and transparent selection process, we made daily collection and classification, and a consultation of CSR experts from government, enterprises, universities and research institutions was conducted to further ensure the professionalism and authority of this list.

No. 04 The first green housegases emissions report from Chinese central SOE  released  

On June 6, China Huadian Corporation (CHD) released the White Paper: China Huadian Corporation Greenhouse Gases Emissions in 12th Five-Year Plan Period at a press conference in Beijing. This marks the first greenhouse gases emissions report from Chinese central SOE since China signed the Paris Agreement on climate change.    
Reason for listing:
China’s signing on the Paris Agreement built up China’s global image as a big, responsible developing country willing to share global responsibilities on climate change and take part in global governance. As an active response to the Paris Agreement, CHD took the lead in releasing the white paper, comprehensively showing its new methods, news ideas and new achievements on energy conservation and emission reduction during the 12th Five-Year Plan period. The carbon reduction plan for the 13th Five-Year Plan Period was also laid out in the white paper, which showed central SOEs’ high efficiency, intensive efforts and quick response. The white paper not only demonstrates its new approaches to social responsibility, but also provides low-carbon models for electricity sector.    
Related events:
1. On September 11, China Resource Land released its 2015 Social Responsibility Report for the third consecutive year. Since 2014, all subsidiaries of China Resources have started to compile and release independent CSR reports or the simple version of CSR reports, thereby promoting its CSR management by CSR reporting.  
2. On December 1, China National Nuclear Power (CNNP) published White Paper on CNNP Public Communication, calling for more extensive social forces and resources to support development of nuclear power in China. 

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