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【Top 10 International Events】No.03 UN Global Compact launches the strategy “Making Global Goals Local Business”


Since 2006, China WTO Tribune has set up an annual column of the top 10 domestic and international CSR events in the past year. In order to ensure comprehensive samples with more precise event description, and open and transparent selection process, we made daily collection and classification, and a consultation of a selected numbers of CSR experts from government, enterprises, universities and research institutions was conducted to further ensure the professionalism and authority of this list.

No.03 UN Global Compact launches the strategy “Making Global Goals Local Business”

On June 22, United Nations Global Compact published multi-year strategy “Making Global goals Local Business” to drive business awareness and action in support of achieving the SDGs by 2030. It includes Leaders Summit, local SDG pioneers, local network action, partnership with United Nations and influence power report. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon announced the ten UN SDG pioneers people from 9 countries. Dr. Liang Xiaohui, Deputy Chief Economist, China National Textile Info Centre and Chief Researcher , Office for Social Responsibility, CNTAC, is the only Chinese in the list.
Reason for listing:
SDGs gather the global consensus and point 17 priority fields for future sustainable development, creating a wider development space and opportunity for enterprises. The strategy “Making Global Goals Local Business” provides a better opportunity for enterprises to understand SDGs and take part in the global development agenda. It will play an important role in integrating global sustainable development and business.
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